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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member @Former-Member @Shaz51 @TAB 

Hi @greenpea 

I'm getting some Stuff Done -

I sorted through several Kitchen Cupboards (last night) - Shifted things around, to make more space.

Removed several/ many pasta & dried Legume packets.

Found some extra Glass Storage Bottles & small Storage Rack in another Cupboard (Still in Box) - Took those out, for use.

Cooked up Several Kgs of dried Legumes & Pasta today - To make use of it (to eat), & to clear it off the shelf.

Figured out, after many attempts (over several days) Where the inside Car door light Switch is - Because the Light was Not coming on (when doors opened).

- It had been turned off by mechanic (at last Car Service) most likely.

- Turned Switch back on to Door, so that Light will come on when it is Supposed to (when door is opened).

I did a more thorough clean & Check of my 3 Aviaries yesterday - Realised they may need some major repairs.


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Wow Well Done @Adge  .. I have a list of stuff to do with car, lawn a foot high, am getting rubbish to bin and putting bins out though lol, If I dont have to make a path or step over anything in house think am doing okay lol

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Keeping on top of things is an ongoing challenge @Adge . 


Yikes @TAB , I would be worried about the local critters with the lawn needing a hair cut 🐍😵.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

mmm prob right @Former-Member  guess they can hear me if around, have to get it done this week @Former-Member 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

I'm impressed @Adge Been thinking it's time I used up these things too, including freezer food due. You've inspired me. They say we should clean out and scrub kitchen cabinets cople of times a year for this reason. Good job! 👍
@TAB have you had a lot of rain re grass? Well, at lead you got the bins done 👍

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

hmm  not recently  prob not mowed it in months , remember last time cut it when really high it nearly died afterwards, been sick as well dunno @Former-Member 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

just about to put them out now @Former-Member  filling them was first stage lol re bins

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Thanks so much @Former-Member 

Yes keeping on Top of Things is proving a Big Challenge @Former-Member @TAB Thanks so much for your Support & encouragement everyone.

I just spent several hours this afternoon - Fixing Reticulation pipes (replacing bits of pipe, doing new connection.

I'm not very confident with my Polypipe Retic - Fixing or maintaining.

My Polypipe Reticulation System (manual/ No Automatic Timer Controller) - Was my 40th Birthday Present from my Dad (& from my ex-Wife).

Dad has been Gone (passed Away) for 5 years now.

The Retic has sustained a lot of Damage from Tradesmen Slashing it with their Whipper Snippers, plus Postman running over it with his Motorbike.

Plus it's getting fragile (breaking) from Sun exposure - That makes pipe Brittle & break.

I need to Water my Plants Much More - with Reticulation Working again.

So far it isn't working well, there are so many holes & Leaks - I need to Save Dad's Reticulation System.

It's one of the few things I have Left from Dad (& from my Ex).......


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

you will get there @Adge  re retic

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Your dad would be proud of you sounds @Adge Just gotta keep at it. Easier now the weather has cooled down. Good to see you chatting more 🤗
@TAB - do you feel fatigued re bins or just procrastination? I, didn't realise the severity of this clotting illness on your stamina. Not good. Maybe prioritise paid help at times like this. Steady goes it 🤗