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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

House cleaning is my nemesis @Former-Member  have come across "The Secret Slob" and am slowly adding in an extra task/day.  Will take me more than 21 days.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

@Appleblossom, we did take posession of a giveaway pedal organ a few years ago. It's a beautiful piece, not sorry we took it, but haven't spent the time playing it that I've meant to. Partially because it's gained clutter around it... Smiley Embarassed It wouldn't take much physical effort to clear away around it, but it's the mental effort that's the hassle.

We did some yard and storage area clearing up today, because we were collecting some reclaimed timber for our Younger Daughter's cabin building project, and I wanted to know that we could stack it neatly until we used it. Retrieved a couple of items we'd had stored that were wanted in the house, found a few things to toss out, and put the rest back in a more tidy and ordered manner. The area we were working on looks better than it has for maybe 10 years.

The timber stack is going to go next to a garden bed near where the cabin's being built. I'll be digging out the weeds there and flattening the soil before putting some weed-proofing tin down, and I'll be making sure it's a proper neat stack, not a jumble. That way it serves the extra purpose of creating a weed free zone next to a veggie bed.



Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

@Smc SOunds as if you have your land under control.  Big congrats.

This organ was just an electric.  I 'd love a special piece but already have 3 keyboards so not lots spare room.


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

๐Ÿ™‚ The organ is our only current keyboard. I'd wanted one for years due to pleasant childhood memories of a close family friend playing one in church. She also had one at her home to practice on, and my sister and I, along with her kids, used to muck around on it when we visited. I learned a bit of organ on an electric organ as a child, before taking up violin instead, but am very very rusty!

Whenever we get my Grandmother's pianola back here, I want to set up our lounge area as a music room-library-lounge. We don't have a TV by choice, and musical instruments plus books are very acceptable alternate focal points for a room. ๐Ÿ™‚

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

And I wouldn't quite say our land is under control yet, but getting out in the garden this year more than I have for ages means it's better than it's been for a long time.


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

@Appleblossom, good to see you. Well done declining the old church organ. 3 keyboards at home already is enough. Don't know how you fit that in. I miss my piano., But found a Casio keyboard which I haven't set up here yet ๐Ÿ˜ž no room (or bother). But I did buy another musical instrument last wk ๐Ÿ˜Ÿ couldn't leave it behind, a Riviera classical guitar in hard case. Really old but good condition and love the case for my roadtrip. Well, last hit fastly becoming a dream.
Our hobbies take up a lot of room. For me it's
books & DVDs
Not that I have the discipline to do any of them as much as I'd like. Especially art which is still in dream phase.
Truth be told,vim struggling to manage essentials:
Iost cause I fear :face_with_rolling_eyes: Difficult to decide what to prioritise. Hoping when I settle maybe. Live-in hope๐Ÿ™

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

@Smc - so relate to your comment
"Pedal organ a few years ago. It's a beautiful piece, not sorry we took it, but haven't spent the time playing it that I've meant to. Partially because it's gained clutter around it... Smiley Embarassed It wouldn't take much physical effort to clear away around it, but it's the mental effort that's the hassle"
Clutter blocks me from enjoying my hobbies too. Same, because of the effort required to get to it, but also, 'outbof sighr, out of mind's I literally FORGET it there's.
Why do we do it to ourselves? Must have something to do with our hardwiring "hunter / gathering" DNA instinct. Who knows:face_with_rolling_eyes:

@Former-Member - looked at that link you gave, AMAZING! house cleaning tips, like a bootcamp I hope to put in place. Thank you!

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

@Former-Member Taking things slowly here and am up to step 5 as to making things routine (although have got a bit stuck on the bed making, we used to do it immediately on rising but this has fallen by the wayside).

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Classical guitars are beautiful instruments.  Maybe all those hobbies can be just that.  Not something to cause you stress around expectations, but activities you can lose yourself in and find pleasure.

Moving house as we age is not easy.  I have still not even moved down to the opposite end of the house which I have been thinking about for nearly a year.  Maybe it is good, as today son is coming and will sleep over for about a week


Please pray for us.  He is looking for guidance, and I am concerned, but also have to live in hope.

@Former-Member @Smc @Shaz51 @Former-Member 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Sending up some prayers for wisdom @Appleblossom .