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Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Hello @Shaz51 I wanted to say 'hey'. This sounds like a fortuitous outcome. You took matters into your hands. It can be a pain waiting for next GP appt, psych, Centrelink (I saw in another post). Good on you. Not that it's advisable to misuse prescriptions - however, we are smart peoples & waiting on professionals is not entirely necessary. Good work 👍👍


I have been itchy sores.. I'm getting weird pimples in my forehead!


I felt for you when reading about kicking in bed, & how upset it made you. Maybe if it happens again you could build a pillow fort at at Mr Shaz leg area? Pillow protection?


Warm again in Melbourne today! Not too hot. Pleasant temp ☀️



Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Very true my @maddison about the misuse of prescriptions  xx 

I kept making doctors appointment and Mr shaz kept on saying no and I would cancel the appointment 

I think he was very worried about the over sweating and the itchiness all over that he had something bad and was prolonging it 

Then his fighting dreams started and he felt he was heading for a mental breakdown 

And he was also thinking people were saying things about him 

Made a appointment for the next day and to see a psychologist about it 

That night he could not stand it anymore and decided to take a antidepressants to see if it helped 

The next morning and since he has been taking the 2 lots again like he did last year 

@maddison , @hanami , @amber22 , @tyme 

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Might still need to see a doctor @hanami , @maddison as Mr shaz is starting to itch this afternoon 

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Awwww no @Shaz51 !!! 

I hope it's not anything serious. Gosh just when you thought it was all good 😞


Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

:middle_finger: fingers crossed @hanami , it not getting worse , so that is good aybe it is nothing 

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

@Shaz51 I am not medical & you are smart, only suggestion an antihistamine from chemist? Chemist might be able to identify itch?


Not my place @Shaz51 - seems like Mr Shaz solved problem himself with increase AD (maybe temporarily? 🤞 Hope he's ok)


Can he work this one out on his own?


No offence at all intended - I hope you get my perspective & I have not said anything to offend - we don't know each! I know!

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

Hi @Shaz51  Thanks for asking 🙏 I’m doing okay my friend, not brilliant but okay. Had a very brief chat with my girl over the phone this week which was a surprise given that it lasted about 5 minutes. Was good to hear her voice. She actually gave me a brief rundown on her ECT sessions which she hasn’t done over the past 3 years of receiving them. Under a CTO for them now which she’s not happy about but has accepted it. She is relatively stable, has a roof over her head and food in the fridge. Maybe she’ll allow a visit this year. It still hurts darling friend but I can’t force the issue. I miss her and miss being involved in her life. Will simply continue to live in hope. 

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

YOu are a real inspiration @Krishna . I do believe she will one day return to your side.

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

No offence taken my @maddison 

Love for messages and I am remembering to do my own self care too xx

Re: Ups and Downs of Husband`s Mental Illness

I agree with @tyme ,

@Krishna you are a inspiration my darling friend and your daughter is keeping you involved more xx