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Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Sounds like you are really making strides with your cleaning @Former-Member! How many DVDs do you have in your collection now?

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

We halved our modest collection of DVDs @Ali11 , possibly could have donated a few more. Am really pleased with the progress we have made.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

You should be pleased, it's progress @Former-Member Smiley Happy Trying to live a little more Marie Kondo as well, slowly discarding thigns that do not spark joy Smiley LOL

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

 Not really a Marie Kondo fan @Ali11, just wanted a place that I did not feel embarrased about due to the clutter and my inability to keep the place clean. At present Mr Darcy still does not find joy in much and would gladly clear out just about everything. We have been through a dark season, but I am starting to get back into hobbies I previously enjoyed so don't want to be too enthusiastic in off loading some things.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

@Former-Member, that's one of the things that make it hard for me. I've got a lot of stuff that is to do with hobbies, and also the practical everyday things like baking and preserving, and all my ceramics/art related bits and bobs... furniture I'd started to repair, or planned to repair. Heaps of thngs that I know I've done successfully in the past and genuinely hope to return to doing. I really want to get the energy to go back to those things. It's hard thinking how much everyday creativity has gone on the back burner.

Even our books. I love books, but in all honesty, hardly ever feel like I have the energy or clear mental space to read a novel. For some reason though, even when I'm not reading them, our bookcases do "spark joy" for me. I feel warm and satisfied looking at them.

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

I am just starting to enjoy my books again @Smc  there are some I don't particularly want to keep and those will eventually go but I do have quite a few that I treasure. 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Understand feelings re unloading stuff @Former-Member  while I don't really have any regrets there are some things I wish I had kept. Particularly books. Oh well. 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Passed on some casserole base sachets we had been given along with some other sauces that I was not likely to use. 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Books are now officially under review @Smc and @Determined. First shelf tackled today.


Have a more definitive offer on our place, paperwork being sent today, yet to have pen to paper and will be subject to finance, so don't want to get too ahead of ourselves but looking promising. 

Re: Decluttering and home maintenance

Already have moved some books back from the "to go" pile into the "to be decided" group ... mainly cooking books...yikes.


How many of I really need and will realistically use???