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Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

@LostAngel Hello my friend, time with family sounds like a wonderful break, enjoy yourself. Hope your phone appointment went well today. xx


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Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

Hello @LostAngel just wondering how you are doing?


Hello @SJT63 checking in to see how you are also?


Hope you both find a little light and warmth in your day. xx


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Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

@bipolarbunny  hard for me to get online when I'm at home as I am keenly observed. Of course I had to work at home for most of last week... back in the office today and will probably catch up with everyone later this afternoon.

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

hello Bipolar Bunny thank you for checking in theres been alot going on lately to be honest but still havnt seen gp in person yet although thats this week,have however had an overload of family advice and family discussions about a range of issues and a range of possible solutions,supports ect to work through my mental health and as much as I dont like being told honestly and getting so much support at the moment it is needed and I need to be thankfull ,Im talking widescale support from the practical support of literally helping me find a car,handing my finances to pay for my new car,emotional support and advice which has pretty much been daily from various family members,help with transport while my new car is getting roadworthy and rego transfer,allowing me a break from caring for youngest brother as he is staying with family members for a week while Im sorting out my mental health appointments and having a relaxing break and quiet time to work out things,so yeah a real group effort but it has very much come to that point of needing all sorts of support at the same time as alot of my stresses are linked also been very self loathing this week and bouts of breaking down crying despite spending time away with family myself,going for walks and reading have had to become an outlet although I had so much pent up self hatred even walking didnt help cause I was still thinking negative towards self I am safe though but honestly have at times had suicidal thoughts,I have rang lifeline,I just keep telling family members the outright truth now about how Im feeling at the time,talking out things,as my mental health and the way I have behaved towards other family members emotionally has affected some of my closest family relationships,protecting my self loathing onto others,yelling and generally not being calm and others times just depressed and sad ect but thankfully Ive got support all around and Im also begiining to realise that my family is not judging me as my paronoid brain tries to convince me but in fact Im realising how concerned they all are,theres been heaps of indivual one on one peices of adive and quite a few family discussions incuding with family members who live with me,and yes almost all out family dissagreements well really its been me at times disagreeing and not listening to family members,and honestly I do keep needing there reasurance at least for the next few weeks or so,I dont like that my whole family is aware of most of my issues mind you some things Im only going to speak to doctor about but I myself know that I need medication and the whole family also agree thats whats needed although some have been nicer about it than others,and theres one thing though letting others help does make me feel a bit out of control in terms of not being in control I mean a powerless type feeling but then again I ussually try to be so independant and in control of my life that its just different and new to have to allow others to support me as a whole person if that makes any sense,I definetly am trying to help myself too though and I am ok with being on medication as I think that would help me to keep my all over the place moods in check

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

Hi @LostAngel it certainly sounds like you are making some very smart and brave choices regarding your MI. I'm so happy for you that you have such a supportive family, it sounds like they care a great deal about you. Try not to beat yourself up over your symptoms, anger, depression etc. I know it's difficult but try to remember that it's the illness creating these dramas, not you. MI is something you have, not something you are, if that makes sense. Once you see your GP and start to learn what is what things will calm down. Please keep in touch and let me know how you get on with your appointments etc. All the best & take care xx

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Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

@SJT63 Completely understand, just wanted to make sure you were travelling okay. xx 

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Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

hello @ShiningStar@SJT63@LostAngel@bipolarbunny@Bipolarcarer@Bipolar@eth 


hello @bipolarbunny Heart

you are amazing my friend and I was wondering about something xx

My mr shaz sometimes gets a one track mind on something which he has to complete or to buy , wondering what i can do too help soo he does not get disappointed which he gets a lot 

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

Hey @Shaz51 , great to hear from you,


Yes concentration issues arise with me also especially when manic and I get really fixated and invested in completing a task etc and if I can't follow it through I get frustrated and beat myself up. Feel useless etc and that sometimes can turn into self sabotage also or a harsh downwards spiral. 

It's a hard one to answer. But I think for me if I catch the behaviour early enough I can circumvent the manic compulsion that drives the fixation. Distraction is a good one. Because often when manic your brain is racing too fast for you to organize your thoughts, which is why if you are trying to do something and it isn't working you become frustrated and fixated on making it work or happen all the more and the more fixated, the more frustrated you become then off down the rabbit hole you go. 

So I guess if you find Mr Shaz trying to do something that is frustrating him, ask him if it's really that important right now and if there is something else he could do and then he could try again at another time when he's more relaxed. Preferably something he finds easy, enjoyable and relaxing, watching TV or reading a book or go for a walk or something that switches his focus and helps slow down his mind. Mindfulness can help also. Maybe you could make him a cup of tea and you could both have a discussion about something completely different. 
It may not always work, but it may be enough to stop the manic flow of energy going in a negative direction. 
For me my go tos are, going for a run or walk, watching a movie or better yet a favourite comedy or listening to music. Like I say it won't always work, but a good percentage of the time it will. 
I hope that all makes sense and is of some help. xx


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Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

Thank you my friend xx @bipolarbunny 

Sure does makes sense 

Yes I do go along for a little  while and then I do change his attention to photography which is his favorite  hobby which we did today and it was nice to get out in the sunshine and we had maccas for lunch  


How are you today xx

Re: Ask Me Almost Anything About Bipolar

@Shaz51 Photography sounds like a great distraction especially if it's Mr Shaz's  favourite. Sunshine + Maccas is always a winner too! 
I'm doing okay thanks for asking. Been a very big week. xx

Hope you are doing well Shazzy xx

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