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Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

Q: What has your journey been like regarding medication and Bipolar? 


Medication has been a challenging part of living with bipolar disorder. It took a very long time to find the right balance for me. I have been on my current dosages for over a year now so yay! But there was much trial and error, suffering side effects to the point of being hospitalised to treat toxic poisoning.


To me, it was worth persevering as medication makes a huge difference to managing my bipolar. I couldn’t function without meds. Having my dosage sorted is great. But I have to take a stupid amount of pills morning and night and I have to live with side effects that won’t ever resolve. Some days I would quite happily throw my Webster pack against the wall!

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

I know it’s a life long condition @EdwardBlossom. But I am still struggling to come to terms with that.

I question every mood. I’m extra happy does that mean I’m going to go too far? I’m feeling down does that mean I’m heading into an episode?

It’s good to know that it’s not just me that’s finding it hard. Hopefully we get it sorted soon. 


Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

I have to say the medication journey is rough. 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

Totally agree. It makes the whole thing harder to deal with when you are having to juggle medication side effects as well.


Plus always thinking "is this working? do I feel better? if I do, is it because of the medication?"



Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

Im at the am I ever going to get it right stage @EdwardBlossom. I have lost a lot of hope in it ever sorting its self out

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

For our next question of the night...


What is it like working with Bipolar? How do you manage your mental health while working?  



Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT



I hear you. It's so hard and frustrating. I did feel the same as you - will I ever get it right? Am I destined to feel this awful forever, no matter what I try?


I can only speak for my experience but it did get better and I am on a much more suitable medication mix. It just takes so much patience and grit to get there!

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

Q: What is it like working with Bipolar? How do you manage your mental health while working?  


This is a very sore spot for me. I had a creative agency, had offices in Australia and Asia, I worked with clients across the world. It was super fun and I loved it. But it was also stressful:
- running the business with my partners
- changing time zones frequently while travelling
- having no time to exercise or mediate, etc..
none of these things are good for effective bipolar management

I worked in the event industry so the very nature of the business is high stress with crazy deadlines. I tried to tell myself that I could make it work. But eventually I had to accept that if I continued in such a high stress job, I would end up in a very bad place.

I am still grieving the loss of a career I was passionate about. I don’t think I have accepted it yet. It is often hard to find the balance with work v keeping yourself healthy and stable. I think you must be a strong advocate for yourself. Most corporates are (theoretically) better at dealing with mental health issues these days so make sure you avail yourself of all and any services they offer.

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

I get where you're coming from @EdwardBlossom @Captain24. I wonder if the longer you live with something like a diagnosis, the more you learn? It can take time to find the ways and things (like medications) that work for you 😊 

Re: Topic Tuesday// Living with Bipolar // Tuesday 26th March 2024 5:30-7PM AEDT

I’m still working. I do find it hard some days to go and call in sick occasionally. But for me the routine is helpful. Even the routine for nightshifts. plus I have a mortgage to pay. 

Recovering from the shift work does put a strain on me though. 

I have asked my boss to not put me on certain things especially of a night when it gives me too much time to think and I can’t get out of my head. A lot of downtime also makes it hard. When it’s busy I have less time to think


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