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Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Hi all,


Thanks @tyme for the welcome. Water is definitely important, thankfully I'm all over that. I keep a glass on my desk, and if I don't remember for myself, one of my two little birds sooner or later hops onto the rim of my glass for a sip and draws my attention back to it.


I've often read about "rituals" being important to wellness, so I'll throw that in as my suggestion re what I do (though your own rituals will no doubt look different). I'm a mad ball of ADHD chaos for most of the day, but I have managed to create a good and consistent start-of-the-day ritual with having a good, solid breakfast and chilling out with a coffee. That I can share with my partner. On my work days when my partner isn't awake yet (I'm up before the sun those days), I will put on a nature walk video on YouTube and try to meditate for at least a few minutes after breakfast. I guess the main thing is about having some ritual/routine that carves out a space of calm in your day. That is mine.



Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Good evening folks!


@Appleblossom @Shaz51 @Determined @Jay5 @Tinker67 @Nells @Tiredness @Jen54 @Stargirl @ferngully @Scoo @Krishna @Smc @Pebble67 @Sharma @Anastasia 


We're here again when we can gather to draw from the Well of Wellness!


As carers, we often put in 100% or 110% of our emotional and physical energy into what we are doing. Why? Because we care.


It's important that we set healthy boundaries so that we reduce the likelihood of experiencing 'carer fatigue'.


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Here is a gentle reminder of some healthy boundary-setting taken from Daily Caring which you can visit for an elaboration/explanation of each of the following:


1) Just because someone asks you to do something doesn’t mean you should do it.

2) It’s not your job to make everyone else comfortable all the time.

3) Guilt won’t kill you.

4) Set boundaries with yourself.

5) Your being is more important than your doing.


What boundary/ries have you established as part of your caring role?






Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Good Evening everyone!


Yes, it's that time again! Wednesdays' Well of Wellness Tips for Carers.


Last week, we looked at healthy boundary-setting for carers. How did you go?


This week, let's take a look at how you are feeling:


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Depending on how you feel, here are some ideas for you.


What do you think you can do you help yourself now, as a carer?




@Appleblossom @Shaz51 @Determined @Jay5 @Tinker67 @Nells @Tiredness @Jen54 @Stargirl @ferngully @Scoo @Krishna @Smc @Pebble67 @Sharma @Anastasia 

Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Good Evening Everyone!


Here is our tip for the week @Appleblossom @Shaz51 @Determined @Ford  @Tiredness @Jen54 @Stargirl @ferngully @Scoo @Krishna @Smc @Pebble67 @Sharma @Anastasia 


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As carers, we often don't make time for ourselves. It is hard to schedule in physical activity for ourselves, let alone schedule in mental activity! 


There are many ways in which you can exercise your mind, including engaging in mindfulness tasks. These can range from a few minutes to a few hours! Here's a bank of mindfulness activities you can try Mindful Mondays: New activity every Monday .


Let's see the difference a week of mental activity can do for your spirit, soul and body.


Any thoughts? Experiences? Questions?



Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

I love "words with friends 2"

@tyme , @AFK , @Stargirl , @Appleblossom 

Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

I was addicted to that game for soooo long @Shaz51 ! I've dropped it now though. It really exercised the mind!

Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Aww love to play the game with you @tyme 😀

I do it once a day to relax xx

@StuF , @greenpea , @Krishna , @Smc , @Determined 

Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Dear Carers,


This week, let's have a look at TAKING TIME OUT - FOR YOU.


Between work, family and carer commitments it can feel we are never on our own.


Solitude is important for processing emotions and truly getting in touch with what is going on for you.

Schedule alone time into your day/week as you would any other appointment. This is YOUR time. A time when you are uncontactable and free of distraction.


For many carers, thinking of yourself may be one of the hardest things. In the beginning, you may feel guilt or dread. But over time, this ME time will help reduce the likelihood of carer fatigue.


Try it!

Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!

Good Evening!


As I research a Wellness Tip to share this week, I came across the following from Mental Health Association NSW:

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I found some of these 'ticketed' items to be so simple yet true.


Carers, which ticket would you benefit from?


For me "Look for opportunities in life's challenges" is a huge one for me. It's something I really endeavour to do, because it gives me a new lens to look through.


What are your thoughts?


Waiting to hear from you,



@Appleblossom @Shaz51 @Determined @Tinker67 @Tiredness @Jen54 @Stargirl @ferngully @Scoo @Krishna @Smc @Pebble67 @Sharma @Anastasia 

Re: JOIN US: Wednesdays’ Well of Wellness – Wellness Tips for Carers!