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When nature sends a sign.

I'm the kind of person who is always looking for signs. When I'm struggling, I look for a sign.

At the house my Aunt (and later me) owned  there was a drain/creek down the side of the yard. Every year a pair of White Faced Herons came to hang out there in spring-summer. My Aunt loved them and looked forward to their return. I remember how sad she was when only one started coming each year. She died in Oct 2002 and on the day of her funeral a Heron flew into the cemetery. I took that as a sign she would be ok.

I call the  Herons my Spirit Bird. They have a habit of appearing when I'm struggling. 

There is a paddock behind my house and Herons sometimes come there to eat crickets. 


There is one there today.
I always feel a bit better when I see them.



Re: When nature sends a sign.

Lovely story @Scream58. I have a pigeon dove or two that keep me company too. They are often sitting on the tv antenae on the unit opposite my kitchen window. Makes us feel part of nature, doesn't it?

Re: When nature sends a sign.

That is so sweet.


It's often kookaburras for me.


Their call is rallying when I need courage and humbling when I need to laugh at myself.

Re: When nature sends a sign.

I have a couple that come by when im in the depths of deep work. Like they are supporting. Just love their energy

Re: When nature sends a sign.

Hi @Wholediggindeep,

Welcome to the forums. My name is FloatingFeather and I am one of the peer support workers at SANE.

I just read this thread which I found really interesting. I really believe in nature and signs. When my father was acting unlike himself but we didn't understand what was going on with him I kept seeing white feathers in the most random places on a regular basis - in my car, under a lounge, in my pocket, floating past my kitchen window etc. It was too much to be a coincidence. 

Long story short we found out what was wrong with my dad and he has sadly since passed but I took the feathers as a sign that the universe (or whatever a person believes in) was in the background supporting me. Hence why my forums name is FloatingFeather 🙂

I would love to hear more of these stories if anyone has some to share.

Best wishes,


@Historylover @Scream58 @wellwellwellnez 

Re: When nature sends a sign.

My story is dark, @FloatingFeather, if you still want to hear it.

Re: When nature sends a sign.

Hi @Historylover,

I'm interested in your story but perhaps another time. I know from reading other posts of yours that you are struggling today so I don't want you to be upset further by writing about something dark. 

Please take care of yourself - sending you best wishes.


Re: When nature sends a sign.

I just didn't want to upset you, @FloatingFeather

Re: When nature sends a sign.

Awwh, that's very kind of you to be concerned about upsetting me @Historylover. I'm sure I would be fine - I know these types of stories don't always have a positive tone. I just want to ensure you're okay as I know today hasn't been that great for you so far.

Good on you for persisting with your study despite not feeling the best. It takes a lot of strength and commitment to study, particularly on those days when you don't feel your best.


Re: When nature sends a sign.

Hi @Scream58 


I just wanted to reach out to say thank you so much for creating such an inspiring thread - this is such a fascinating topic 💜


Wow! As I sat here listening to this part of your story I had goose bumps - what an incredible experience!


Just from what you described, it sounds as though the Heron plays a really special and important part in your life and I love how it suddenly appears to you when you’re struggling 💜


Just like you, I also believe in signs and as such, I just wanted to share one of my experiences with you 😊


A few months ago, I was feeling incredibly low and all I wanted to do was stay at home and hide. Unfortunately however, I had a pre-existing commitment which meant that at some point or another, I had to venture out and face the world.


When I arrived home, I slipped off my shoes and as I did, I noticed something lying on the floor. As I bent down to take a closer look, I realised that it was a small brown leaf.


I carefully placed it in the palm of my hand and headed towards the door to return it to the garden with all of the other leaves 😊


However, as I went to open the door, something stopped me and I found myself taking a closer look. It was during this moment that I suddenly realised that the leaf was in the shape of a perfectly formed heart 💜


In that moment I felt an overwhelming sense of comfort and that perhaps the universe was trying to say that I wasn’t alone and that someone cared about me 💜


Thank you so much again for creating such a wonderful thread 💜


Take kind and gentle care of yourself,


ShiningStar 💜