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Casual Contributor




I am supporting an amazing family member.

Navigating the system is not amazing.


Any advice appreciated.


Re: Navigating

Hi @Fyne your family member is lucky to have your support. What advice are you looking for? Services? And is it the mental health system you're referring to?

Re: Navigating

@destructive waiting lists for services. Pain management referral won't look at referral for up to 6 weeks then wait for appointment.


2 weeks since now since referral to psychiatrist, no contact for appointment.


Is this all normal trying to access services?


Also, thank you for making contact.

Re: Navigating

Hey @Fyne ,


Welcome to the forums and good on you for supporting a family member. Yes, unfortunately trying to get a psychiatrist is difficult at the moment, there aren't enough to go around. Are you waiting under the public or private system? I think my advice would be: don't be afraid to ask questions. It works differently at different psychiatry practises....for example I put in a referral to one psychiatry practise a while ago, it took them about 3 weeks to "triage" my case and then they put me on a waiting list that I'm still the meantime I found a different psychiatrist that was able to take me in about 6 weeks, so I started seeing that one. And I'm sorry, I don't know anything about the wait list for the pain clinic. 

Re: Navigating

Thank you
Public system.
I appreciate your reply.

Re: Navigating

Hey @Fyne 


Most states have a mental health access line if you are at all concerned while you are waiting. I know the waiting can be tough. 

Re: Navigating

Morning @Fyne 


Nice to virtually meet you, navigating the mental health system is not easy so be prepared.  One thing I can advise is to always ask questions and question everything.  If your family member has a GP they will draw up a mental health plan and your friend is entitled to 10 susidised sessions from memory.  There are a lot of online services and community services that you can check out. 


But the love and care that you are showing your family member is the most important, just being there for them, even sitting in silence which can be hard.  Not sure where you are based but there are pain management ckinics in sydney where they bulk bill, there are also free courses in dealing with MH and pain issues run through the various health services, I only know the ones in Sydney. Take care and all the best.......Asgard

Re: Navigating

Hey @Fyne, welcome to the forums!


Your family member is really lucky to have you, as I'm sure you feel you are to have them 💜 Navigating the system is tough and with the public system I find a good GP is the best person to help you navigate everything from referrals to wait times, pushing things through and answering any questions. 


There are long waits on psychiatrists sometimes but it can help to look around and ask for a referral elsewhere if you find it's too long. If your loved one ever has severe decline in mental health or things reach crisis point they can be seen more urgently by a psychiatrist in hospital.


There are a lot of different organisations and community groups that can offer help and support too depending on your area and needs, their GP pr a local community centre would be the best resource for these.


Good on you and all the best