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Constant crying

HI, Just wondering how I can assist my grown son, who is struggling with severe depression. Crying himself to sleep, going to bed in afternoon, and major depression. 

Not sure how to assist him, as he is already on anti depression meds, and seeing a psychiatrist.  How can I help him, as his mother. He is basicly a happy guy, but he may not be being open to me. 


Re: Constant crying

Hi there @Sisco2 


We wanted to take this opportunity to welcome you to the forums.


We hope that you find the forums a great place to connect with other members, share stories and ideas, and find the support and connection you deserve.


Feel free to Introduce yourself here if you haven’t already!


We look forward to seeing you around on the forums!


It's hard to see your kid struggling, I am happy to hear that he has supports around though. How long has he been seeing the psychologist?

Re: Constant crying

Hi @Sisco2,


I am so sorry to hear your son is struggling. It must be hard for you to see him crying.

Has there been any significant life changes recently? And is he speaking to a counselor or psychologist?

Re: Constant crying

Just be there for him 

I am going through depression and anxiety myself and just having loved ones there is so important 

Re: Constant crying

Hi @Sisco2 . What has make him to be like that? Anything troubling him? Did you talk with him?

Re: Constant crying

Hey @Hincey ,


Welcome to the forums!


I just wanted to pop by to say hello. I recognise the forums can be a bit hard to navigate when you first start off, but hopefully, we can support you to make it as easy as possible. 


Are there particular interests which have brought you to the forums? We may be able to direct you to a few threads.


We look forward to seeing you around!