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Talking through trauma and PTSD

New therapist

Re: New therapist

@Patches59 not sure what that stands for.

Hoping that you don't have to wait too long for an appt.


Re: New therapist

No @Patches59 she's not on leave. She offered me a choice of appointments then stopped responding. 

Will you be OK over the break? I guess you might have to play it by ear. 

Re: New therapist

Oh no no no my dear @Dimity that's not true at all!! I know it can absolutely feel that way, like it triggers memories of all of our feelings of shame and rejection at once. It's rough. 


But even if for whatever reason, it was the letter that has triggered this incident, I'd say it's far more likely that this MH worker decided that they were not going to be the right fit for you due to their lack of experience or expertise. I actually think it's a good sign when a practitioner does this - it means they're not going to waste your time or leave you feeling like the problem! But at the end of the day, this is an issue with the service/system, and NOT a reflection of you, or an indicator that you don't deserve to get that support! 

Re: New therapist

Thanks heaps @Jynx . Yes I feel all that but I agree it's better to be rejected at the outset than  get into strife further down the track.

I might not be able to catch up with my gp again for a couple of months or more - because of the holiday season,  her leave and then my planned hospital stay - so I'll just have to get by in the meantime.


Re: New therapist

@Dimity wish it wasn't that way, this time of year is just so tricky hey!! You call the sane support line much at all? Or use Guided Service? Could be good options in the interim!

Re: New therapist

@Jynx my postcode isn't eligible for the guided service. I did get through on the support line once but usually the wait times are off-putting and there's a repeated tone in the hold music that's painful.

This year has been disappointing as I made a big effort to start working through some underlying issues and it kept falling through. If this referral has fallen through too I don't think I can face trying again.

Re: New therapist

@Dimity I take each day as it comes, especially from 23 December and up to mid February .  Anniversaries of things plus Christmas during that time, some years I’m ok and other years are not good.


For Christmas and my birthday I go to a specific shop and buy meals of freshly cooked roast lamb and vegetables.  Shop is open almost everyday of the year, I look at it as treating myself to a special meal on special occasions.  

apart from going to cemetery, Christmas for me is same as any other day of the year.  First couple years after my husband died I accepted invite from one cousin to spend part of the day with herself and her siblings.  Not expecting to get invite this year.  Being estranged from family isn’t a nice feeling. I try not to think about them and concentrate on my furry family who I know honestly love me

Re: New therapist

@Dimity oh I will totally pass that on!! Was this a recent experience? They may have fixed it, but I can suss it out for you. 


Aye totally fair, I think we can get burnt out on making so much effort. And sounds like you're really ready to start tackling these things too!! I wanna say 'don't give up!' but I don't think it's necessarily helpful, I guess just remember that you can always take a lil break, come back to baseline, and try again next year. I really hope you don't have to though, and that they sort their business out! 🤞

Re: New therapist

@Patches59 it sounds as though you've decided not to join your neighbours - I think you said they'd invited you to a BYO barbecue.

For years I never felt comfortable at family Christmases. I skipped some, and left early from another. This year I had 2 invitations to join different nephews. I'm estranged from many others in the family.

It's natural to miss your partner.  Do you visit the cemetery on other anniversaries?



Re: New therapist

I need to find out bit more about the barbecue @Dimity    Still planning on going, is a flexible arrangement and I don’t lock in anything definite.  Will also depend on how hot the day is plus how my back is feeling.  Tuesday morning will be having lumber CT.  I have a bulging disc plus inoperable cyst on spinal nerve endings, appears I’ve upset one of them which is causing current random stabbing and burning pain


my mum died 23 December, her birthday 28 January 

my dad died 1 January, his birthday 13 February 

some years are better than others.


I go to the cemetery on Mother’s Day which is close to my birthday and my husbands birthday

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