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Re: Very confused and overwhelmed

Not a problem at all @CertifiablySane,

You are very resilient and should be 100% proud of that.

How did you go with your training provider? Only you know what decision is best for you and your current situation.

Perhaps you could post on local noticeboards that you're after any plants people have to give away or sell cheaply?

Have you reached out to any local community services (Salvos, Vinnies, Anglicare etc.) that could help with some food relief and/or some assistance with rent?

I have done a bit of research into supports available to you in Queensland, have you heard of a Rental Grant or Rental Security Subsidy? They may be able to help you given your current circumstance.

Rental Grant:


Rental Security Subsidy:


I also highly recommend the Ask Izzy website for accessing different types of support:

I hope that you can find the support you are looking for.

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Take care,


Re: Very confused and overwhelmed

Hi to you and thanks for your nice words.

What stuck out for me was having a clear goal. I get stuck and feel trapped because I can't make a decision.

I'm not happy in a co-living house (73 yo) and haven't been since I came here 6 months ago. 

My life went down the gurgler but have recovered something of myself to carry on with help from counsellors.

So yes I told myself I am not happy here and it's ok to realize it.  I need to make where I live a home not a crashpad. I can't do that in this place ie I had big palms and plant stands in the loungeroom to make it welcoming, friendly whatever for the housemates and me. They were on rubber mats. The owner didn't like it and had to remove them. Now it looks like a showroom not a home which is depressing.

It's out there I want to live on my own with creature comforts I can afford on the Aged Pension.

The rent in this situation is killing me and my top-ups from savings is running out. I run out of money the second week of the fortnightly payment. Rentals are all around what I currently pay.

I have to get a job but can't work full-time due to a disability and can't stand for hours. Only job would be a Coles, Woolies etc one.

I am ringing QLD Housing for their various offerings -  making an effort to change my situation. 

Updates following!

Re: Very confused and overwhelmed

Hi there, I will consider the bonbonnieres!

Haven't been on here for quite a while. 

Re: Very confused and overwhelmed

Thanks for that. Have rung some of them. Getting food from a church.

On the phone about rental subsidy and grants.

AskIzzy is quite helpful.

Re: Very confused and overwhelmed

BTW, I dropped out of that course from stress about finding a position without the Covid vaccination. Not many around. Spoke to trainer first.

I needed to have some medical tests as well which all came out positive.

The housing links you gave are not applicable to me.AskIzzy isn't much help as I use those services already.

I am not permitted to sell plants from this rental for goodness sake. I don't have any to sell at the moment anyway and customers would pick them up in front of the house ie no impact on anyone.