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Something’s not right

My Mosaic

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I get all the writing done first, and then I get to spend hours picking out rocks. I managed to get 12 pieces done this afternoon, including a couple of newbies. I love doing the little birds, they are so cute. And I made 6 tiny bees today- they go on the ‘bloom where your planted’- which is a popular pieces at markets. 

I have to frame them all now, which I hate doing! But that can wait til tomorrow. 
@tyme @Jynx @Snowie 





 I’m waiting for a call from my gp now. I had my bloods done this morning. I was discharged from hospital with low potassium, probably still low 😩 Also the hospital never did a discharge summary, so my gp won’t know about last week, so I will have to tell her 😩😩 I feel sick about it. Anxious super high. Gonna go crawl into bed I think. 

Re: My Mosaic

Amazing stuff @Bow ! 


Thank you for sharing.


Hope you are okay. Sounds like you were experiencing a fair bit of anxiety today.


Thinking of you.

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thanks @tyme 


whatchoo up to today?

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Oh so gorgeous @Bow!! Ready for weekend market for sure! 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

Also, are you able to email your GP? @Bow 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Nope @Jynx 


not long got off the phone from her. She was caring and concerned. Finally received my discharge summary, she had a heap of question and then asked if there was anything she could do. She’s concerned about me being out in the community, she talked with mum and I’m also going to see her tomorrow. 
my bloods were ok. 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow how you feeling about how the call went? About her concerns?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Thinking about my appointment tomorrow @Jynx  and wishing to be able to be really honest and vulnerable with her. Cause I know that I am still not in a good place. Like I said to my psych yesterday that the intensity of my SI is still extremely high, but that i currently don’t have a plan to act, but that that could change at any time. Nothing has changed. Everything is still extremely shitty. 

my gp has always been super caring and kind. But sometimes she can overact which can be a bit overwhelming at the time and I tend to shut down. Today she didn’t do that on the phone… 

Peer Support Worker

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow yeah hun I think it's so important for you to highlight that things haven't changed. Like that your recent admission isn't a reason for your supports to sit back because it was a circuit-breaker or something (cos it can be sometimes, y'know?).


Glad it was a smoooth phone call. Just one appt tomorrow, psych yeah?

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Sitting on the couch here chocking back tears and feeling intense heart palpitations @Jynx cause I am still so disappointed… and angry. Cause they really have sat back and I feel totally forgotten about. Uncared for. That I do not matter. That I should have done better last week. It’s this that has the potential to derail me all over again. 

Just a gp appointment tomorrow. 

how are you? How was your day?

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