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Re: My Mosaic

Hi @Bow

What’s made your day feel like this?

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Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Trying to be @Captain24  been laying in bed this afternoon. Everything else feels too hard. 
need a shower though. 

it’s just been a pretty shitty few days @fluffylight  and I woke this morning to a nightmare and haven’t been able to shake the yuck feeling since

Re: My Mosaic

I’m glad you are trying @Bow. If laying in your bed is what you need then that’s ok. As for the shower, do what you need to do. I struggle to get myself there too. But when I'm in it I struggle to get out as well. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

I managed a shower @Captain24 and yes like you I struggle to get in and then get out of it as well. I washed my hair and shaved. Really do need to shower more during summer cause I live in shorts. But my gosh it’s an effort. 

what’s your week looking like? 

another support worker is meeting me in the morning to get my bloods done. My potassium is low again so need to make sure I have my bloods done so I am well to go away. My support worker asked if I will be able to be honest with this one while she is away, especially around my SH and I said yes, but I don’t know if I will be able to. 
Wednesday I have my gp and psychologist appointments and Thursday I see my CM. And that’s it for the week. 

Re: My Mosaic

I get the whole hair washing and shaving your legs. I wore shorts today with no shower and stubbled legs!!!   @Bow 


Sounds like a busy week. I hope all your appointments go well. Especially with your CM. I hope you can bind with this peer worker. I’m really hoping for you that you can get your bloods up. 

As for me I have to go to work tomorrow but I get Tuesday off for my Pdoc appointment. I am scared about that though as she hasn’t seen me since April am so much has happened since then. Then I have 2 night shifts. I also haven’t seen my CM for a couple of weeks. 


Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

It gets prickly in bed too when I wear shorts to bed @Captain24  i think that’s what annoys me most! 

this support worker is ok. She is nice. But she’s not my support worker and I don’t know her well. 
I think this week with my CM we are going to apply for department of housing. It’s like a 10yr wait here apparently, so goodness knows what position I will be in by then, but the way things are at the moment it would be really handy! 

I hope work is ok for you this week and that your appointments go well, especially you’d pdoc cause your last couple have been cancelled yeah?

Re: My Mosaic

Wow that’s a long wait. @Bow Im not sure what it is around here. I do think your own space would be nice. 

Just think 10 years everything will be completely different for you. While it’s a long wait for housing it’s also a long way into your journey.


It’s hard when there is someone new. It makes things a little uncomfortable. 

Im not looking forward to work after last week but I need to pay the bills. Yeah.. the last 2 appts have been canceled. Im hoping this one isn’t as I have to take another day off work. 

Senior Contributor

Re: My Mosaic

Yeah it’s a really long wait @Captain24 , it’s crazy. My CM said it’s like at least 5yrs for priority housing, even that is ridiculous when you’re desperate for a roof over your head. I guess I’m thankful that at the moment I can live with mum and it helps us both financially. A lot of my supports are of the opinion that I need my own place, and while it would be a dream, I could never do that to my mum. I feel very trapped. 

Yeah new supports are hard. I wonder what’s gonna happen come jan/Feb when my CM goes on maternity leave. It’s a bad time for me cause of an anniversary then, but I am fairly confident that my support worker will be around. At least I hope she will be! 

yeah that sucks that you have to take a whole day off work for your pdoc appointments, so I hope they don’t cancel on you again. 
really hoping that work is ok for you this week @Captain24 

Re: My Mosaic

Maybe you can apply and when and if something comes up deal with it then? @Bow.


I understand your treating team. Mine suggested that I need to put some distance between us. I no longer speak to my mum daily and a few other things. It has definitely helped with our relationship. 

Thanks it has to be better because it couldn’t be much worse for my MH. 

Re: My Mosaic

@Bow  @Captain24  @Snowie  Sending hugs and good wishes...



@Bow  Good luck with your bloods today 🤞