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How can somebody just do that

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@ArraDreaming , there can be a million reasons why she blocked you or didn't respond.


I hear it is hurting you so much right now. You have every right to feel so hurt.


Remember, this is also a difficult time for her. There must be something going on for her, whether she wants space or time.


Even for parents, sometimes, it's about waiting for loved ones to reach out to them. Just continue to let her know that you are waiting for her.


You have done your part.


Why I'm saying this is because I didn't talk to my parents for about 10 years. Not because I hated them, but because I didn't want them to see what I wreck I was. But when I was ready, I did reach out to them because I knew they were there for me.


You haven't done anything wrong.

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I tried to just do the right thing is this why I don’t have any friends have I done wrong by people and not realised

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Am I that horrible of a person to be around that not even my family wants me around

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i was upset when I found out she just didn’t show but then blocking me and pretending I don’t exist what the hell

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What the hell

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After everything we have been through together how can someone just turn around pretend they other person doesn’t exist

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Everyone in my life that I have cut out has done something I didn’t like or made me feel unsafe or uncomfortable or I didn’t get on with
what did I do here

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was too good to be true I should have known

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the writing was on the wall and I didn’t see it no wonder she wasn’t replying to me by agreeing to me meet with me it was shut me up