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Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

YUM! I'm bringing cannelloni and salad!




I reckon I'd like that recipe Ellie. How was your week?


Topic of conversation - I'm not sure this week? I have a cold 😞 Lemsip and warmth for me.


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

I am bringing buttered popcorn, i think i will watch a movie later, and i like pop corn Smiley Happy

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

oh no @Rosie - colds are so annoying!

I'm big on lemon & ginger in hot water when I have a cold. I'm not sure if it actually works, but it hot water at least warms me up!

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi Rosie.

I've never known anyone yet, unless they had a medical condition, that didn't love that choc chip banana cake. I once gave a piece to my son and his (then) girlfriendand they said they really liked it. When we were out at the car saying our goodbyes, almost as an after thought he asked if he could "grab" a bit more cake to take home. I said yes and told him where he could find a container to put a couple of slices in. He ducked back inside and soon returned with a large ice cream container that I couldn't see though.

Yep. You guessed it. I went inside after they'd gone only to discover just a small piece of cake on the plate! I won't fall for that one again!!

As for the recipe, it would take awhile, but I am prepared to let our member on here have a copy. I'll type it into MS Word and hopefully I can copy and paste to this medium. I notice some things I can't.

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

That's so nice @Ellie! Don't worry about the recipe too much, it just sounds awesome!


@NikNik yeah ginger and lemon would absolutely work, ginger good for the belly and lemon a natural losenger? I'll google it...


@kato perfect movie watching popcorn!



Not applicable

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Hi all

I turned a can of sweetened condensed milk into caramel lol so i'll bring that!

I managed to write a first draft of an application for a job for next year this week. Have sent it to my old boss to have a look at and get some feedback, feeling sick about it and terrified of the thought of going back to work (even if its 8 months away!) but kind of proud of myself for being able to use my brain to form a bunch of words into sentences and paragraphs that hopefully make sense.

What's other people been up to?


Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

Nice work @Former-Member - I find job applications quite daunting Smiley Frustrated

@everyone - I was just reading @Used2Be 's discussion about pets. Some of you may have mentioned this before, but does anyone here have a pet/s?

 @kato what's the movie of choice tonight?

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

My wonderful dog saved my life and helped me get better. I was in a very poor state when I got him, very unwell, but he helped me through. He kept me company when I was ill, and keeps me company now. He is happy to see me when I get home and he loves being on the couch with me, and walking.


I might go over to that page and have a read.



Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

@Rosie You can find the discussion here . I hope to hear more about your puppy there (regardless of age, they will always be our puppies 🙂 )

Re: The Weekly Friday Feast

i haven't decided yet, might go for a bit of action i think, or sci fi...... about to have a look now, have a great evening all, and if i don't see you beforehand have a great weekend too