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Re: Progress..

Sounds great @MJG017 . It's so great to hear that you are trying new things. This then gives you the option of picking what is most effective for you.


From my experience, there are some things that are more helpful than others - and that's totally okay.


I remember I tried peer support, exercise, walking groups, dancing groups, candle making, etc. Some things I still go back to and other things I've let go.


It's great to get an update from you 🙂


All the best. Have a pleasant weekend, and I'll see you on the Sunday Hangout if you feel up to it.

Re: Progress..

@Alice10 From someone who knows what you are going through, I applaud you for your strength, and positivity. I know that it seems that sometimes everything comes together very slowly, but small steps are good, and at least you know that you are going in the right direction. If you ever need to talk, I am here for you-kiwigirl64🌻🌞

Re: Progress..

@tyme I agree. Progress is very important.

Re: Progress..

How's your day been today? I'm sitting out in the sunshine. I'm looking forward to the summer here in Melb @kiwigirl64 

Re: Progress..

@tyne It has been cold this morning, but right now, I'm trying to pluck up the courage to go for a walk down to a lake close by. I hope that you are having a lovely day.

Re: Progress..

Thanks for checking in @tyme, it's the worst part..I leave tomorrow.. Alice10

Re: Progress..

Thanks @Asgard, I just sent a quick reply to tyme as well.. I'm leaving tomorrow, hard to sleep tonight but this forum has stayed with me. Thanks for your post. Alice10

Re: Progress..

Tyme, this post made me shed some tears. You know, it has been pivotal for me to be in this forum, because I'm hearing GOOD people being genuine, and that has actually reminded me how things should be. Thanx again Tyme. Alice10.

Re: Progress..

@kiwigirl64 that's lovely of you and thank you. Most of my posts are typed in a hurry and during the night, but I'm leaving tomorrow after a huge process to separate myself and my heart. Thanks again for your msg, hey, I hope you went for that walk near the lake 🌞🌞🌞🌞

oRe: Progress..

Morning @Alice10 


Wishing you the best of luck today and please be safe.  We are all thinking of you today, first day of the rest of your life.  Hope everything runs smoothly and all good things come to you......Asgard