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Casual Contributor

Workplace abuse & PTSD

My employer consistently sexually harassed and enabled/or undertook workplace bullying and violence towards me and others. I find myself in a downward spiral with every contact I have with various organisations, unable to function most days, fatigued, stressed, anxious and fearful of my future, yet the employer (who now has a AVO on him) has not and will not accept what he has done, leaving me with self-doubt and ALOT of ‘why’s’.

My GP has been amazing, along with my counsellor and friends. But some days are bleak, fraught with doubt.  
PTSD is not a choice, it has no expiry date, it is trauma and can rise & fall at any time for no reason to others. 
So what do I do when I have a good day? Walk, paint, listen to quiet calm music, rest, slow everything down, be where I am, use everything I can to get better. 


Re: Workplace abuse & PTSD

Hello @Ava6  .. Really sorry to hear that. Did you inform HR of your company about this? They have some rules and regulation will help against harassment. Its true that trauma can rise and fall. But love your strength. I agree with concept that, i treat myself when i have good day. even same when i have bad day too. Selfcare is the main. That develop self courage. 

Re: Workplace abuse & PTSD

Alas, HR was the owner/manager who was committing the acts.
Thank you so much for the reply ☺️. Thought I’d be screaming into thin air.

Re: Workplace abuse & PTSD

I'm so sorry to hear about what happened. I hear you when you said that the effects of this has no timeline. @Ava6 You deserve so much more. I'm glad there is protection for you at this time in terms of an AVO.


By connecting with people, I hope you feel supported in terms of your mental health. You don't need to do this alone. 


I read that you have found things that work for you. Do you have supportive people you can talk to?


Please know you are not alone.

Re: Workplace abuse & PTSD

Thank you ☺️

I have some truly kind, understanding, supportive friends who are there for me but I don’t want to interrupt their lives every day.

Lifeline, BeyondBlue, 1800Respect, my GP, counsellor are all there too.

Hope is a good thing

Re: Workplace abuse & PTSD

Absolutely @Ava6 


I'm a firm believer that hope keeps us going even then the road looks dark and bleak.


Have you heard of SANE's Guided Service? You can see if you are eligible here: Eligibility is postcode-dependent. This service is free is provides up to 14 weeks of support.


At the same time, these forums run 24/7. There is someone on at all times behind the scenes, moderating the forums.

Re: Workplace abuse & PTSD

Hey @Ava6 ,


How are you going? Thinking of you.

Re: Workplace abuse & PTSD

Thank you so much for checking in on me - truly means alot.


I’ve intentionally had a very quiet week, focusing self care, not pushing myself and doing everything my GP, mental health specialist and friends recommend.  

As quite an introvert, peace and quiet suits me perfectly. 

Re: Workplace abuse & PTSD

Sounds like it's working for now @Ava6 . That's really good to hear that you can reflect and consider when you need down time and when you are able to do more.


I hope it's warmer on your side than it is on mine 🙂


I'll chat you shortly. If you feel up to it, we have a Sunday Hangout tomorrow on a platform called Chatwee. You can have a look here JOIN US! Live Sunday Hangout 7:00-9:00pm AEST . You don't need to get out of bed to join. 


Not sure what tomorrow's topic is as yet, but will know soon!