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Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

I wish I lived close to a nice beach ay @ArraDreaming I was lucky growing up with a fisherman/surfer dad who took us to the beach almost every weekend! And mid-north coast beaches are really different to the ones around the bay. I think I was spoilt haha. 


Do you surf at all? Or snorkel or anything? 

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

We are lucky. We have 2 quite popular I suppose go to beaches for tourists/visitors about 10-15 mins in either direction from us, and one in our town about 5 mins our place that beach is not as nice and a little unpredictable for surfing but definitely not as packed or popular it’s a little out of the way

There is also good breaks for surfing 5-10 mins away, but it’s not safe for swimming or kids.
So we have lots of options
I surf as much as I can now and even get my kids on the board and would like to snorkel buf my swimming abilities is questionable @Jynx

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

@ArraDreaming aww that's so awesome!! I reckon it's great that your kids will have heaps of awesome beach memories when they grow up, too. I know I do! There cool rock pools and stuff around too to explore? 


Ahh that makes it tricky. Though having the flippers does help! 


Hmm... wonder if there's like, swimming tutorials on youtube, maybe you could take a look? Idk if you are interested in improving your swimming at all tho I just had the thought lol

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

I have enough swimming skills that I could maybe, hopefully save myself, and in the shallow with my kids and that I’m fine, if I fall of my surfboard I just grab it and get back on lol, I basically taught myself any swimming skill I have now @Jynx

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

@ArraDreaming oh hectic, how'd you teach yourself? Throw yourself in the river and literally 'sink or swim'? 🤣 I am sure you were more responsible ahaha. 

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Basically that… lol @Jynx I wouldn’t say I’m proficient but like basic skills just went to the pool a lot years ago
wouldn’t be able to swim over 50m I don’t reckon but Mrs arradreaming is a qualified surf life saver with LSV so I think i will always be in good hands

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

ADHD wise do you multi task and need a lot of things like tv and phone etc all at once?? @Jynx
Its so funny because I function like that when I am in control and it’s fine but when there is lots of competitingvnoise and I’m trying to concentrate or its noise I’m not making that’s when I get overstimulated like say I’m trying to concentrate on a bike repair and I been at it all day, getting frustrated, the music all of a sudden starts to anger me and the dog needs to get out of sight, I hate it
Right now my Mrs is shaking her head cause I’m typing on here and have a live stream of flight simulator on the iPad next to me, and the tv is on @Jynx

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Flight got boring, we have taken off now I’m bored we were flying Sydney to gold coast 🤣🤣 @Jynx boring

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

@ArraDreaming oh absolutely!! It's one of the reasons I work from home the majority of the time - I tend to have very loud music playing, and usually my phone has like a little game going at all times, mostly for when I'm waiting for the page to load 😅


That's also kinda how I found out I have ADHD - cos I was in class, playing on my phone in order to better listen to the lecture like I always do (isn't that normal?, I thought... lol) and the teacher got 0up me for 'not paying attention' even though I tried to explain the phone game actually helps me listen. Then my friend reached over and handed me her little flippy sequin pencil case to fidget with; she also has ADHD and knew just what to do. After class she came to check on me and I asked her like... is needing my phone to fidget with as a way to help me listen an ADHD thing? And she just went 'haha yep, you should go get checked out' and lo and behold... 🤣

Re: Wait what did I come into this thread for again? Oh yeah, ADHD!

Oh true I did t get diagnosed until I was about 14 or so in hindsight was always there parents just didn’t really have the capacity to even consider game assessed
I was a bit the same except I never sat down at school I fcking shit up daily @Jynx little mastermind was always up to something that was not class work, riding my bike, emptying out the contents of someone else’s locker so I could throw it out a 3 storey window, I once tied a kid to a pole with a skipping rope in like year 7, I never did any work ever, I think the longest time I sat down to do anything at that age was for the adhd assessment 🤣 @Jynx

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