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Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help


Hi @Owlunar, this is "a huge decision - downsize, sell up, go through family memories in things, and know where too now?
I already know (all that's left after remaining mtg 24k) is not enough to buy real estate where I want to live, even in most country towns. Am I better off in a broken down deteriorating structure? All I know is i gotta get out of here. I'd love someone to rescue me, plop an affordable place in in my lap... Lift the heavy stuff to move... but don't deserve that.  don't want to think about it much really, not yet, the 'what comes next' thing - i have a peace, a trust God has a good plan. At least I know i can afford a caravan, a rental, or maybe both. I really just want / need a comfe warm place to lay down at night. Some of those Tiny Vans are cute. 


Yes, my son (having a hard time atm) sees this house as his childhood home, wirh good memories, a root, ankor, something secure when everything else is so shakable - a good place to visit. Do i have the right to take rhat from him? On tbe other hand, I would not wish for him to inherit this money pit.


Remembering is starting to get easier, less painful. But ya right - we have to do what's right for us, our twilight years. โ˜บ

Dont worry if you cant keep up here Dec, just live in tbe moment - thats what i mostly do. Forum notifications can be too much, just do what works for you Dec ๐Ÿ’• Hugzz ๐Ÿ’œ
@soul ๐ŸŒทthanks ๐Ÿ™‚

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Good to know that you are seeing the positives. A smaller rental property might be the go. Frees up some money and gives you more options. And yes, your son might not really want to be lumbered with a house that he has to maintain @Former-Member. 

Hope you get to see your son this weekend.

I just did an experiment on my daughter. I had been out weeding and came into the kitchen as she was preparing her breakfast. Waited for her to say something as I usually greet her with a cheery good morning (not often reciprocated) After a couple of minutes of ignoring me, I mentioned that it would be nice if she could say hi to which she replied "Well, I do have to go to work you know."

We had a discussion about how I feel the pets are more sociable to me. Will report back to tell you if she says goodbye on the way out. ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

I got "Bye" I wished her a good day and see you tonight. 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Oh @soul,
You daughter is a piece of work lol Why is she like that? Is she an introvert? My son & sister attribute their rrde. inconsiderate and childish withdrawal as their introvert need to NOT connect with humans. Not like you they'd snarl back. I say "Bah Humbug!!!" to that lol

Normally the silent treatment works if its not manipulative lol.

Dont expect anything but Don't give up ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’Ÿ๐Ÿ’œ

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Just moody @Former-Member. It can be hard especially when my son is so considerate. Brought up in the same household, only 17 months apart yet so different. 

I try and am grateful for the few times she is chatty. Sometimes I feel that it would be easier to live alone. Brought up this topic once and she got all emotional and carried on about being abandoned. One day she may move out with friends but they all live with their families. I guess the parents are paying the bills, it's so much easier.

Kids these days want their independence but not the responsibilities. 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Yeah, I don't know what the answer iswith kidz really, bit of a failure on the topic. Glad you got a buy though. โ˜บ

I'm planning a quiet day, what about you?

I'm giving the body a rest after pushing it all week. But feel to cook some meals for my boy & a neighbour on their own with the flu. But, just remembered I don't have a stove - grr

Freezing cold here thisAM (like -2ยฐC they say). Raced out the door 6am, 1/2 asleep, in my PJs, to beat the garbage truck - both bins are FULL. Think I beat the truck but nearly fell down the steps & tripped in the front yard : / Not sure if I was unsteady on feet (sleepy) in shock by the sudden cold โ›„ brr...

Gembo (chatty bourke birds new name) has had a good song workout already today ๐ŸŽตโ˜บ


Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

After a warm day yesterday, it is a bit cool again here although not like you have it. Went out walking this morning in a tee shirt but have a hoodie on now inside.

For me - same old, just some work here. No plans for weekend. Gembo - cute. What about the other one? No name yet?

I'm sure your son and neighbour would appreciate some home cooked meals @Former-Member.

Cooking up turkey mince for the pooch now. 

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Found this brief Online Article today:

by Gail Rubin, 2016

Clutter in Shed
We are a nation of unbridled consumers โ€“ and as we age, all those consumer goods have to go somewhere โ€“ given to our heirs or to charitable organizations, sold or given to strangers or carted to the dump. When you look at the numbers, adults have a lot of downsizing to do.

According to the 2007 video The Story of Stuff, the United States has 5% of the worldโ€™s population, yet using 30% of the worldโ€™s resources and creating 30% of the worldโ€™s waste.

An incredible 99% of the materials harvested, processed, and sold to consumers in the U.S. is trashed within six months. The average person in the U.S. consumes twice as much as we did 50 years ago. This is not a sustainable way to live (or die).

Will our kids, siblings, nieces and nephews, cousins or friends want all the stuff we have in our homes? Probably not. A good place to start is to ask them what they might want, and give it to them TODAY.

Selling your used household goods can be a lot of hard work if you hold a yard sale. However, if you advertise desirable items online, you can make some easy sales. For example, I made $700 selling a top-of-the-line gas grill and a rooftop car carrier through Craigslist (US). In Australia - Gumtree or eBay are very popular.

Donating goods to nonprofit organizations is easy. Charitable organizations can pick up or accept a majority of gently used household good. Popular charities include Goodwill, Salvation Army, Vinnies. Lifeline, Drugarm, Savethecholdren, Hpspice Shops, ARC, Vietnam Veterans, Big Brothers Big Sisters, ReStore for Habitat for Humanity, and others... However, many wonโ€™t accept old televisions, mattresses, computers, and some furniture.

Three camping pads I wanted to donate qualified as mattresses, which are unacceptable. Placed on the curb with a โ€œFREEโ€ sign, after a day, they were still there. So I posted those online - kept out of the landfill.

Cans of Old Paint.
Donโ€™t forget that hazardous wastes, many found in the garage, require special handling. These include paints, solvents, pesticides, chemicals, and automobile fluids. Check with your local public works department for guidance. Some hardware stores collect and recycle batteries and CFL bulbs, also considered hazardous waste.
A professional painter provided this tip for neutralizing leftover paints: mix these hazardous liquids with kitty litter โ€“ it turns paint into a solid waste. Once the material has hardened overnight, it should be okay for disposal in your ordinary trash.

Lets avoid overwhelming our heirs by trimming our material excess ourself.

Gail Rubin, CT, is a death educator who uses humor and funny films to teach about end-of-life topics. She is author of
*A GOOD GOODBYE: Funeral Planning 4 Those Who Donโ€™t Plan to Die
*HAIL AND FAREWELL: Cremation Ceremonies, Template Tips.
*Her next book is KICKING THE BUCKET LIST: 100 Downsizing and Organizing tips.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Hi @Former-Member - did the article inspire you? Any more ads up on Gumtree? The weekend can be a popular time to advertise and sell stuff.

My dog is very needy today. I have given her a walk and has had two dog treats. She is looking at the budgie in a weird way. He senses it and is back in his cage. Niw she is looking at me and doing a bit of a whimper now and then. I am doing my best to ignore her.

Re: SPRING-Clean Declutter - Need Help

Haha @soul, I think I'll have to call the timid female bourke ๐Ÿฆ Pearl

Hiya there @Faith-and-Hope, I see you there. Hope you're OK? Hugzz ๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’•