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I think I’ve finally got a good care team

I’m writing this because I feel tremendously relieved and need to get this wild journey out of my head.


- In November last year I stopped working.


- In January I started antidepressants and applied for the NDIS. 


- In March I found a GP who is female, LGBTQ, bulk bills, does Telehealth and has experience with mental illness. She confirmed my CPTSD diagnosis for the first time and guided me on my current medication.


- In April I found a physiotherapist that charges $10 and helped me with related body pain. 

- Also in April I found a female psychologist that bulk billed, accepted MHP and CDM, is trauma specialised, does Telehealth and offers CBT and DBT treatments. 

- Also in April I found a massage therapist that charges $30 and has lived experience with CPTSD. 

- In May I found a hairdresser who charges $10 and cuts my hair short how I like it. 

- In June I found and engaged free service lawyers and the NRS for the first time. 

- Also in June I found Yin and Vinyasa yoga for the first time. 

- Also in June I participated in a health coaching study, got my bloods done and set goals for my physical health. 

- Also in June I found online mental health groups, including this one. I started calling helplines more regularly and spoke with lived experience workers for the first time. 


- This month (July) I was able to notice self harm ideation and admitted myself to an urgent care centre for the first time. 

- Today I had my first acupuncture appointment for $30 with great results. 

- Tomorrow I have my ADHD assessment with a psychiatrist for $850. 

- Next week I start group DBT for the first time. 

- In August I will start Occupational Therapy for $30 and get a pre assessment for the NDIS for $250.  

- Also in August I will try seeing a chiropractor. 


It’s been 9 months since I quit. I’ve used up almost all my life savings. I’ve spent so many days lying in bed, and yet I don’t think I’ve ever worked harder in my life. 


I read that it takes at least 10 years of treatment to recover from CPTSD. So far I’ve done 6. I think things are starting to look up?


Re: I think I’ve finally got a good care team

@swift1 woohoo!!! This is amazing, thank you so much for sharing! There's a special kind of joy at seeing someone begin to flourish and thrive. Proud of you!! 

Re: I think I’ve finally got a good care team

So many positives in place @swift1. Fantastic effort and such great treatment options you’ve had put in place. Congratulations and well done you 🙏

Re: I think I’ve finally got a good care team

WOW, @swift1 this is an excellent achievement well done! 👏 All the best, take care 🙂 

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