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Any positive stories out there?

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Any positive stories out there?

Hi all, just wondering if people out there are having any positive stories happening in their life they want to share?


Re: Any positive stories out there?

Well, I am getting surgery to remove polyps and I am looking forward to getting some of my quality of life back. I predict this will open up some doors for me  to get back to doing the things I love to do.

I am currently doing something about my alcohol problem and remembeer how I felt when I used to take long breaks from it (I didn't even drink on my 30th). With my depression and anxiety I have spoken to a few councilors and two psychologists. The last councilor I had was really good and had gotten me out of dark places. It's all a work in progress. 

Re: Any positive stories out there?

Hello @Former-Member and everyone,i recently received a large sum payout, apparently my super annuation funds were insured against me not being able to work again,so yeah,I can buy a house and a new car



Re: Any positive stories out there?

@Former-Member  A lovely thread idea and looking forward to reading your positive stories. 


Good work @TheJuZShoW you are so right, it is all a work in progress and something I have to remind myself ❤️


Wow, @Bill16 , that is really great news for you and such an exciting time if that is something you were working towards. I would love to get into the property market and we have been trying for about a year now but with limited supply and high demand it is not easy. But that too is a work in progress and we are a lot closer than we used to be so have to remember that too. 


I have nothing specific to report but feeling really great for the first time in a while so I am taking that as a positive and running with it for as long as I can. I do feel like things are turning a corner 🙂

Re: Any positive stories out there?

It took around 18 months for my lawyers to get it sorted out @LookingHopeful  I had pretty much given up hope,then next minute it's in my account

Re: Any positive stories out there?

@Bill16 funny how that is always the way, when we stop pushing against or stop thinking it somehow falls into place. Much easier said than done as I cannot shut my brain off most times 😂
Let the fun begin now and I wish you all the best on whatever you chose to do next. 

Re: Any positive stories out there?

Thankyou very much @LookingHopeful  I wish you nothing but safe travels

Re: Any positive stories out there?

@TheJuZShoW Good luck with the removal of the polyps and getting back to your normal way of life.


@Bill16 congrats on that hoping it leads you to something better.


@LookingHopeful every little win is something good I reckon, and wishing you well on your journey


i have something going on too, but it’s still too early to tell if it’s positive at this stage but remaining positive 

Re: Any positive stories out there?

My constant SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) has lifted now, after 6 months. This makes a huge positive difference to my daily life. It will come back, but I'm enjoying not having it at the moment. 

Re: Any positive stories out there?

I made a nice bit of project progress. Been leaning about keeping things scalable and it's helping. Thanks for asking I was feeling pretty proud of myself for my little breakthroughs.

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