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Re: A long rave

p.s. love those photos from this morning, @eth. They do look a bit like raptors! Here's a bird photo gallery I saw this morning you might also like...

Re: A long rave

Sweet dreams @Mazarita

Coz I've had so many solitary Christmases over the last 20 odd years, I no longer do the traditional cooking or even the fudge and white Christmas I used to gift everyone every year when I was in my 20s and 30s.  This year I'm doing that pumpkin seeded bread I tried recently, a green salad and a salsa verde for the bbq fish we're having.  There will be several other adults here and everyone is doing a bit.

We're doing 'Kris Kringle' here this year so I only have to give to my nephew and I've made him a 'ramen hamper' with Japanese goodies coz I know he loves them.  And I'm still trying to get a straight answer from adult child about what they want for my granddaughters.  There is absolutely no point buying for them without 'approval' from the parents, this is one area where their need to control p's me off, but I've seen them give away other people's gifts and want to avoid that.  So much for the joy of giving - half the pleasure is in choosing.

Sounds like you're right on top of the judging job - and nice that you're being inspired by some of the videos.

Catch up another time, soon I hope.


PS Absolutely loved the gallery of bird photos.

Re: A long rave

Gee whiz @eth they are more than a tad controlling. My kids are the same. What happens in a world where they can no longer do that.

Yes it stifles a lot of the joy.


Re: A long rave

I just say you mentioned in December thingo @eth yes had a couple cries/teary moments yest. And yes, did feel better afterwards 😸😇

Re: A long rave

Just popping in to say a quiet good morning to you all ❤

@Mazarita@eth@Appleblossom@greenpea @CheerBear and everyone  

Re: A long rave

Morning @outlander and all. From memory, which could definitely be way off and apologies if it is, you have a big day ahead today/soon Outlander. Sending you hugs and best wishes for it all ❤

Re: A long rave

Yeah @CheerBear i need to leave in about half an hr to get there on time. Im taking you all with me! Our 'brave' quote come to mind this morning and made me think of you and a few others who do brave well even when scared so im going to try and use that today too 😘😘

Re: A long rave

I am imagining the nerves and anxiety you might be feeling @outlander but I'm also remembering how many times you've done brave well too. I love that brave quote and am glad you're thinking of it this morning. Looking forward to hearing how it goes. You've got this 😘

Re: A long rave

Thank you being here (and for being you) @CheerBear as always i appreciate it much more than words can say. 🌈🌼🌻😘

Re: A long rave

Before i forget to ask Hows your owl project going? @CheerBear