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Managing thoughts of suicide & self-harm

TW. No one can give me an answer.

Re: TW. No one can give me an answer.

@The-red-centaur i feel your pain, I really do. 


I know things are hard right now and that it doesn't feel like there's light at the end of it all. But i know how strong you are and how much you have already overcome to get to this point. 


Please know that l for one need you, you have kept me going by chatting to me when things have been so hard and when I haven't felt like I could keep going. 


Please hang in there, you are needed and you are wanted. We all care here and the world or the forums wouldn't be the same without you. Sending you lots of strength ❤️

Re: TW. No one can give me an answer.

I wish we had the freedom to talk about this more openly and honestly.

Re: TW. No one can give me an answer.

@chibam it's definitely a hard subject to be able to openly talk about anywhere. 

Re: TW. No one can give me an answer.

@Gremlin24 wrote:

@chibam it's definitely a hard subject to be able to openly talk about anywhere. 

And, just to be clear, that's not primarilly down to any inhibitions (or similar) on the part of those of us who have things that need to be said on the subject...

There are places - very obscure places - online where you can talk openly about this. I've been there. Trouble is, these places are so obscure that nobody ever gets to hear what we're saying.

Re: TW. No one can give me an answer.

@chibam so very true. 

Re: TW. No one can give me an answer.

@The-red-centaur how are you going? I hope you are ok, I've been thinking about you alot and I'm worried about you. Sending you lots of love ❤️ 

Re: TW. No one can give me an answer.

Ditto to @Gremlin24 . Hope you are okay @The-red-centaur 

Re: TW. No one can give me an answer.

@Ru-bee Honestly? Right now the only thing stopping me from ending it all is because our family cat passed away just yesterday and the household is already in shambles. I don’t want to add to their suffering. 

But in time things will settle down and perhaps when everyone least expects it, I’ll be gone for good. 

Re: TW. No one can give me an answer.

As we encourage the forums to be recovery-oriented, what do you think will help you at this time @misaoayakarox ?


If you feel unsafe, we encourage you to hop offline and reach out to crisis lines:

Lifeline 13 11 14 

Lifeline Text Support 0477 131 114 

Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 

Re: TW. No one can give me an answer.


Things got pretty bad. I'll be ok. 

I'll pick myself up and maybe find an answer to this.

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