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Studying support

Re: Studying support

It's a shame @LostAngel but like you said, you tried your best but life got in the way and other things became more important. Can you come back to it later if you want?


Re: Studying support

yes thats for sure @hanami but when you find a good workplace thats usually where you stay.
i did run my own bussiness for a little bit but it wasnt meant to be. i have a friend who has just started her own company and your husband is right, the paperwork can be never ending! you can always keep working on your degree and work in a place you like though. ive seen lots of therapists that work for a company but offer sooo many different types of therapy. ive recently found one that offers walk and talk therapy and for once i am actually looking forward to doing some therapy sessions!

Re: Studying support

hey @LostAngel its really hard when life gets in the way but i commend you for sticking through and at least giving it ago. you may surprise yourself and have gotten enough to get the certificate! Next time you study, you can apply for assistance as well under disability and life circumstances so that you can access more extensions on your homework, and also access counselling from the course provider as well to help guide you. alot of providers have really tried to help everyone to be able to access and complete their studies

Re: Studying support

I think walk and talk therapy is a great idea @outlander 

I used to take the people I saw for walks when I was at an older persons mental health service. Some of them found it difficult to open up when we just sat in their home but take them out and they can't stop talking! It was really nice. 😊

Re: Studying support

@outlander This is great.

Thank you.

Long story short.

Dressmaker by trade. Closed shop down 10 months before Covid hit. Grandkids arrived. Stopped work to look after them. My mental health went to shit fast. Started studying again. Found a new lease on life. Have Diploma in Community Services, Cert in Childhood Education and Care, Cert in Child Protection, and now half-way through Cert in Mental Health and working as a Teacher's Aide in school system and looking for a job in the community sector in mental health or domestic violence focusing on children.

PHEW! Sounds exhausting. 

Re: Studying support

Hi @Nannax2 


Wow that does sound exhausting! But good on you!


I envy the dressmaking by trade part - my mum is an amazing seamstress. I always said she could have been a fashion designer but she just stuck to making clothes for herself, myself and my kids. 


I used to be a teacher's aide. Loved it mostly but then got a position at a school where there were so many kids who had different need to what the mainstream caters for. Teachers were burnt out, teacher's aides were at a mental health went to crap and I ended up going into peer work lol. 

Re: Studying support


Some days I wonder if I am doing the right thing.

As i am so exhausted, but majority of the time yes!!!!

I feel good about the study as it gives me an outlet 

And I wish to work in the community mental health sector supporting our gorgeous children


Re: Studying support

Love that @Nannax2 . The mental health of our young is so important. x

Re: Studying support

This is great! Thank you for thinking about us study-ers. 

Taking on study can be really exhausting mentally and physically. 


For me study is something that moves me forward in my recovery journey.. after a lot of dropping out and fails. But I am here today studying Social Science and hoping to show myself that I can do it 🤞


Body double really helps me! Its something I've learnt as a tool in ADHD - a body double is someone who sits with a person with ADHD as they tackle tasks that might be difficult to complete alone.


I find body doubles on or a website called flo body double.


Looking forward to hearing the ways people face they study struggles 😋



fluffylight x

Re: Studying support

yes they do love a walk and talking session and feels less like therapy to i find @hanami

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