11-05-2022 06:22 PM
11-05-2022 06:22 PM
Hi, im new to this but i want to share my story. i was admitted to hospital 6 months ago for a Psychotic Episode. I had no idea what was happening at the time. This is my first episode and first hospitalization. I was so scared. 6 months on im still recovering and still trying to find my peace and happiness again. Recovery is truly an up and down process. some days are good and others aren't as good.
11-05-2022 08:37 PM
11-05-2022 08:37 PM
G'day @Lookingforhappy
Just wanted to welcome you. And acknowledge your bravery in sharing your story.
I haven't got a lot more to add just now, but look forward to seeing you around.
You've found a great community. No doubt other members will reply in time 🙂
11-05-2022 09:23 PM
11-05-2022 09:23 PM
I'm taking your cue to indulge in cat clip sharing. This is one of regular favs. Silly, inspirational and, if you ask me, a great example of people based (or "cat based") approaches.
12-05-2022 07:22 AM
12-05-2022 07:22 AM
Welcome, @Lookingforhappy 🙂
It sounds like your first psychotic episode was a shock 😞
Do you have ongoing professional help, like a psychologist or psychiatrist?
A handy forum tip is if you type @ and then click on a name in the drop-down box, that person will get a notification and won't miss your reply.
I hope you find the forums supportive.
12-05-2022 07:23 AM
12-05-2022 07:23 AM
Welcome to the forums 🙂 I hope you can find some support here!
Thankyou for taking time to share part of your story. I'm not sure if I can be much help, although reflecting on your post, to me, you have described recovery with insight & accuracy.
I used to view recovery, as ' a straight line' moving 'away from something' & 'towards something better'.
It is only recently, I have developed alternative perspective in that, "recovery begins, the moment plans are established." This could include the first thought of wanting change.
I am learning to view, or accept recovery as part of my identity.
I can totally sympathise with you at how scary this experience must have been, and how it may have affected your perception on things. Hang in there 👍
12-05-2022 08:17 AM
12-05-2022 08:17 AM
Thank-you for the Welcome!
Excited to use and explore more Forums.
12-05-2022 08:21 AM
12-05-2022 08:21 AM
It definitely was a shock and really came of no where. Nothing ive ever experienced before.
I do have both, so working on and through the issues. It is still quite challenging most days but trying to remain positive and just get through.
Thank-you heaps for your reply. And for the Tip!
12-05-2022 08:31 AM
12-05-2022 08:31 AM
Hi, thank-you for your reply!
They are already seeming really good.
I think im just trying to find what recovery means to me, I do agree its not a straight line. Those perspectives are so true. Just need to figure out my plan and what works for me. Its a process for sure.
12-05-2022 08:58 AM
12-05-2022 08:58 AM
You're so welcome @Lookingforhappy
I'm really happy that you are finding replies useful & good.
I agree, it is personal process & we find our own meanings that help us along the way. I'm working things out too!
I'm glad you reached out on the forums.
Thanks for reply🙂
13-05-2022 07:59 AM
13-05-2022 07:59 AM
Hi @Lookingforhappy , I'm glad to hear you have a psychologist and a psychiatrist already 🙂
Yes, therapy is challenging but I find so worth it.
I wish you much strength and progress on your journey...
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