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I live next to a housing commission unit...

Hi everyone, 

I'm new here, I really need some support because I live next to a housing commission unit where most of the people who live there has significant mental health issues. One person in particular is needing help desperately because he has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, he is out of touch with reality, he doesn’t wear shoes at all, in summer he walks out on the street with his underwear on. He picks out rocks on the street and he think they are gems, he polishes them and leave them outside. He accuses the others in the unit block of stealing his gems, and he often fights with the other tenant.

Myself and other neighbours are calling the police about this patient every week. He has mental episode and he screams in the early morning or late at night.

This person’s behaviour is damaging everyone’s mental health. He often hallucinates and he clearly does not have adequate skill to care for himself, he should not be left alone. He has damaged my fence several times when he is having an episode, he’s room has several holes on the wall, his doors and windows are pretty broken. The neighbours and I have contacted Housing Commission to report these issues, so have the actual tenants in the unit block, I have made a statement to the police and send them video footage of this person damaging my fence. We have also tried to reach out to local politicians and news. Police said that the malicious damage charge they placed on him has not been proceeded in court, police said that they will speak to housing, and that also did not happen. No news or media has replied either. I am really feeling hopeless here as we have tried everything and nothing is working so far. I really do not know where to go for help. I tried to asked for legal consulting and no one will help me because this schizophrenic person is considered a valuable person. This person has told me that they are also using illegal drugs every day.

I am extremely concerned with this situation because he lives opposite to a children’s park. I never knew the social welfare system in Australia is so broken, this schizophrenic patient is getting increasingly violent, no one is checking on him and I am so scared that he will seriously hurt someone or himself.

Please if anyone has any suggestions to help these poor people who are just fallen in the cracks of the system will be greatly appericated. 😭😭😭😭😭😭


Re: I live next to a housing commission unit...

Hey @LunaLee 


Firstly, welcome to the forums. I'm sorry to hear about the situation you are in. I don't have any magic solutions but I want to offer the odd suggestion and extend my support to you. I have been in a similar situation. I live in Department of Housing. I can attest to the fact that there are many great people in Department of Housing but there are a few people who are unwell.


My main question to you is: are you documenting everything that happens? i.e. keeping a log book. When I was in a similar situation the Department of Housing did not act until I had produced a log book of the incidents occurring. Keeping this log book is the most important thing you can do because it provides evidence that the Department of Housing can act on. In the situation I was in previously (in which I witnessed repeated DV) the police did not assist and I could go on about this because it was beyond distressing...but the Department of Housing did everything they could much to their credit. If you do know the person's name I would also directly ring the mental health line in your state and report when they are having an episode, because the mental health team may be able to intervene. 


I know how distressing it can be to hear someone screaming all night, have you been able to use any self care strategies in the meantime while you are waiting for help to arrive? You have my deepest empathy. 


Re: I live next to a housing commission unit...

Oh this sounds like my mum at different times 💔

Re: I live next to a housing commission unit...

Hi @LunaLee,

Welcome to the Forum. Thank you for sharing what sounds like a very difficult situation for all involved, and I'm sorry it is causing you so much stress.

I think what @Ainjoule mentioned is a great idea, having a log/record of each incident so that you have tangible proof of how often it is happening. As well as having some coping strategies of your own when you are feeling distressed.

It is so sad that people in such a vulnerable situation are, as you say, falling through the cracks of the system that's meant to support people that are in need.

I think that it speaks volumes on the type of caring person you are, that you are so concerned about not only the welfare of others around him, but also of his own.

I hope the situation improves soon and that the person gets the support that they require, before something bad happens.

Wishing you all the best and hope to hear from you soon.