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Re: Gaslighting at workplace

Hey @bazzy ,


It's so important for you to reach out and get these things off your chest. I have worked in very challenging government departments myself. 


It's sad to see that KPIs and targets are put before people's wellbeing and health. It is so unfair, but this is truly what's happening. I know first hand and when I have escalated it, the loopholes in policies are there so that they have themselves covered.


Moving on, I chose not to dwell on these unfortunate circumstances. I practiced gratitude where I could and did a lot of self talk e.g. "I'm here for the people I'm serving. Without me, they'd be worse off."


That's how I stuck to the job. 


Sad, but it's reality.


I hope you will also be able to find a way to rise above the pain. I hear it has really had damaging effects on you. For me, that's where my private psychologist came in - one I trusted and could debrief and vent to. 



Re: Gaslighting at workplace

Sorry to heat that @bazzy
Yeah @Clawde is right
Its hard. I have had experiences too.
How are you today ?

Re: Gaslighting at workplace

@Appleblossom @tyme @Clawde @MDT thanks - It was like being in military school in that environment. Everything is too perfect and then in the corporate environment you are treated like dirt and you are literally shouted to the point where people in that environment lose any sense of themselves and the only way they can escape is by taking up smoking. People in that Department literally lost their minds and I have the scars to prove it too. My brother wants me to go down that route but he goes if you go into this kind of mentality where you expect people not to treat you like a militant then you will end up in a lot of disappointment because it's like this everywhere and you are put into sink or swim situation everywhere you work. 


I feel my life was being determined by those people and I saw them play god in that Department and it was scary. I am looking at expanding my knowledge and my education but I don't know how far that will lead me because university once again seems to very structured which I think has some limitation and it doesn't offer any freedom and you basically become a programmed robot if you follow a structured approach and doesn't offer any pragmatic and it strips away your individuality. 

Re: Gaslighting at workplace

hey @bazzy
a former colleague of mine was reduced to tears because of the culture
another told me she got told to wear more make up
another told me he was bullied because of his race .

Rewarding bastardry in a workplace

Vis a vie uni i guess it does depend on what you want to study,

Re: Gaslighting at workplace

Do you still work there @bazzy ?



Re: Gaslighting at workplace

@tyme No, I do not work there anymore it's been a few years and i've been under suicide watch from my parents. I was put into a sink or swim situation.  You can see the psychological trauma that people had to endure in that Department. I do similar work and there is a lot of micromanagement too @MDT but I am planning on getting out this slump.

Re: Gaslighting at workplace

@MDT I had tears and psychotic episodes because of the work environment. I saw them depict certain on the way they dress or how much makeup they wore just so they could look more feminine. I was bullied because of my physical appearance and my accent both on the phones and in the corporate environment.

Re: Gaslighting at workplace

its absurd how modern workplaces act like that @bazzy
I'm sorry to hear you had this experience though
What do you do now ?

Re: Gaslighting at workplace

@MDT I do similar work but no longer work there anymore and you get picked on for taking too long in the toilet in the meetings and I am getting a similar treatment although it's not as bad for the moment in the current job environment but the work is quite stressful which is why I want to get out.

Re: Gaslighting at workplace

With the right support and connection, you will get out of this slump @bazzy .


It is incredible to see your resilience in wanting to get out of the dip. 


As much as I don't promise it will be easy, it is definitely doable. 


We are with you on that,


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