24-05-2020 09:22 PM
24-05-2020 09:22 PM
Hi, i've never spoken on a forum so apologise if I do this all wrong.
My 6 year old Son has OCD which I can deal with but heres the catch, he had no such symptoms until after he was sexually abused by a very close female family member roughly 6 or so months ago, so on top of compulsions and tics and all the rest of it, PTSD is very much present as well at the moment.. and well, I am numb, everyday. Because if I break I won't cope, but I needto break.. I feel like a failure every waking moment.
We'll make it through though, just maybe a bit slowly.
24-05-2020 10:16 PM
24-05-2020 10:16 PM
Hi @Toosje,
It's quite rotten when someone would abuse a kid, isn't it? I rarely use harsh words but only for this as I wouldn't quite imagine why anyone would or could do such perveted acts. Let alone the culprit is a close female family member.
He would have been traumatised by the abuse which resulted in OCD. I would suggest you to see a GP who will refer your son to an appropriate psychologist for healing. Mental health care plan is free for kids with healthcare card. Please do so early so he can receive treatment and heal asap.
If you could, encourage the other lady to seek help for her own issues as well so she will change her ways and stop harming herself and others.
Wishing your son a speedy recovery and be the happy bubbly kid he should always be.
24-05-2020 10:30 PM
24-05-2020 10:30 PM
Thank you @Lilaca
Felt a small relief offloading, even if it was just onto a computer 🙂
We have GP this week so im hoping it goes well.
Myself and other family members gave her the option to go and get some help instead of jail and she decided to stick to denial and then fled the state, coward.
But thank you very much for your response this evening 🙂
24-05-2020 11:33 PM
24-05-2020 11:33 PM
Hi @Toosje,
I am glad you're feeling a tiny bit better.
Would you consider reporting the case to authority? Your action may seem harsh but will save other kids from being sexually abused should she become a repeated offender. Once a kid is abused, it will have implication on the rest of their life even after treatment. The memory will still be there. Also, not all kids are lucky enough to have parents who care as you do or receive the best treatment from the health professionals. I wouldn't wish this on anyone really..not even the adults or elderly.
I have worked as a counsellor dealing with youths who committed offences, they will be helped regardless in terms of their behaviours and career so she will be ok too. Her flight response out of fear is quite common actually but she needs help to change her ways.
Just give this another thought or have a chat with the authority, they may give you some useful advice.
25-05-2020 12:56 AM
25-05-2020 12:56 AM
@Lilaca Oh so sorry no no she has been reported, there is an open investigation as we speak, we have her the option right form the start to turn herself in and when she didn't we reported it straight away, I definitely wasn't going to let her possibly abuse someone else's child.
she had done it to 2 other children as well (that we know of) and the police know that as well, and I stand firmly on the fact that if she decides she's willing to get help I'm all for that as well. The ball is in her court basically.
25-05-2020 10:14 PM
25-05-2020 10:14 PM
Good on you @Toosje!
I am sure your son and the other kids will be in good hands on their healing journey as well! Kids heal really quickly with much love and care...
27-05-2020 11:08 AM
27-05-2020 11:08 AM
Hey @Toosje,
It's devastating to hear what your son has been through, but reading your posts I felt reassured that he is very lucky to have you in his corner.
It's great you have been reaching out here, I'm wondering if you have professional support yourself given the impact this has had on you and would have on any parent?
Thinking of you 🌻
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